Awkward farms LLC is a startup family adventure that we dreamed of doing once my husband and I retired from the military. We always knew we wanted to become hobby farmers but didn't know where or how to start? It was through hard work and a lot of research and mistakes that we became what we are today, which includes a variety of products, produce, and livestock!
Initially starting our venture with just 5 chickens and a 10’ by 20’ greenhouse in the backyard of our inner-city limits Salem home, we learned through various and sometimes humorous trials and tribulations (to include some straight up failures) of the process of gardening, canning, animal care and self-sustainability . It was in June of 2018, that we came across a property just outside to Turner, Oregon, in the beautiful and luscious Willamette Valley, that allowed us to expand our backyard hobby farm into something more and add to our menagerie. With just over 2 1/2 acres to make our mistakes and learn with a hands-on approach, Awkward Farms became a reality. Since then, our flock of five has been hit with chicken math and now include ducks, turkeys, rabbits, sheep, and milking goats.
It is our intent and our mission to encourage sustainable living, while taking a hands-on approach to growing and cultivating your own food from garden and the raising of your own animals. We also look to incorporate the various sciences of permaculture into the growing and sustainability of our food and agricultural produce. In other areas of homesteading, including preservation and canning, gardening, and most recently, the crafting of our own soaps, candles, crochet work and decorative gardening, it is our intent to promote and encourage the art and lifestyle of homesteading with the fruit of our labors and hard work. We believe that the work and effort put into a sustainably raised animals and produce are critical to healthy lifestyles and families and help to leave a better planet for future generations to come.